Ramadan & Islamic STEM based crafts
As a Muslim Homeschooling family, my kids love theme-based studies. These Simple activities are designed to educate young kids about the Importance of Ramadan. Simple crafts for Ramadan based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Education, Arts and Maths) that one can do with kids by using simple hands-on material inside you recycle bin or in your craft box.
1. Connecting Dots wipe erase Masjid:
Masjid/Mosque is the house of Allah. This activity is specially designed for young kids to encourage them to hold pencils and develop their hand muscles stronger. Wipe and erase will keep activity long lasting and enjoyable. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and Subscribe.
Material required:
- Empty box
- colors
- scissors
- tape
- Masjid design from Earth Custodians Stickers.
2. Connecting Dots Wipe erase Quran:
This simple dry erase activity is designed to develop hand muscles in young children. All material is available inside your house. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and don't forget to subscribe.
- Empty box
- colors
- scissors
- tape
- Masjid design from Earth Custodians Stickers.
3. Connecting dots Wipe erase Praying mat:
To encourage young kids for salah/prayer, I didn't find anything simple and easier than this connecting dot wipe erase simple activity. All material is available at home and you can benefit from it inshaAllah. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and don't forget to Subscribe.
Material required:
- Empty box
- colors
- scissors
- tape
4. Connecting Dots Wipe Erase Heart:
The Quran is the spring of the hearts. This simple activity can be used year around, in your Islamic studies lesson as well. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and don't forget to subscribe.
- Empty box
- colors
- scissors
- tape
5. Connecting Dots Wipe Erase Crescent Moon:
Moon moon Ramadan Moon, we hope to see the Ramadan moon. Yes Crescent moon connecting dots while keeping it wipe erase is something that I'm sure your kids are gonna love inshaAllah. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and Subscribe.
- Empty box
- colors
- scissors
- tape
6. Raising Moon craft:
Being as Muslims, we follow Lunar calendar and moon signeting is very important for us. This super cute activity can help teach young kids about its importance in a fun and engaging way. Watch Video Tutorial on my YouTube Channel and Subscribe.
empty cereal box.
glue stick.
ice cream stick.
stickers for decoration
7. Spiral masjid craft:
STEM based this super cute helps kids with fine motor skills by teaching them connection between magnets and paper clips. Watch video tutorial on my YouTube Channel and don't forget to subscribe.
Material Required:
- empty cereal box.
- pipe cleaner.
- hot gun glue.
- glue stick.
- marker colors.
- magnet
8. Ramadan Crescent moon and Masjid/Mosque Mobile:
I have made this simple yet cute mobile for my kid's room using simple material available from Dollar store and sometimes available at home. Watch my YouTube Tutorial and Subscribe.
pipe cleaner
jute rope
bamboo stick
9. Crescent moon and stars mobile:
This simple DIY decor can bring new looks to your kid's room. All hands-on available material at home can bring a smile to a young face. Watch Video tutorial on my YouTube channel and subscribe.
paper plate
jute rope
ice cream sticks
some jewels or stickers to decorate
hot gun glue
10. DIY kids safe needle with masjid art
Remember global pandemic? It wasn't easy for any of us. right? I was looking for some kid's safe needle to keep my kids well entertained and educated while staying at home. At this point I thought of teaching them some needle-based activity and guess what? We are in a global pandemic and everything is close outside (even Amazon). So, I had some pipe cleaners at home and I just made this easy STEM based activity for my kids. I hope you will enjoy it as well. Watch video Tutorial on my YouTube channel and Subscribe
pipe cleaner
empty box
yarn or jute rope
pencil to poke holes